God's Painting



From Closed Minds And Eyes And The Wolf's Lies.

Miraculous Images In A Heart Shaped Log.  See Below!

God's Painting

OhGodSave America or many from the devastation

that Dumitru Duduman speaks of in the below pages!  May

He Deliver The Eagle From The Wolf's Mouth!  May God help us open our eyes and unlock our minds, and may we do so before it is too late!  Too many have closed eyes and therewith big mouths to justify  their  errors  and  while  the  wolf  is  seeking to devour the Eagle and our world, as shown in these images God painted.

God Is Warning America in many ways.  Don't miss the unique rock shown slightly below having a Dragon hovering over an Eagle's Beak, and which God provided was found on July 4 the Eagle's birthday.  A wolf and dragon are seek-ing to mislead and devour America and others, and while they have their minds locked and eyes closed and big mouths to justify errors!  


Read what God has shown me personally on related issues by dreams and a supernatural confirmation (below).

May JesusSaveUs.com From These Evils!  

A BEAST With Amazing Letters And Numbers!

More Of God's Paintings In The  Heart Tree Which Fell Valentines Eve!

Click Below Images For Large View!

For many more images and more about the Valentines Tree see

www.TheSerpentExposed.com and www.HeartsAndLoveRevealed.com

A Rock With A Dragon Hovering Over An Eagle Found July 4  2021

A Serpent Or Dragon Is Seeking To Destroy America.  Rock Aligns With Images God Painted Of An Eagle's Beak In Wolf's Mouth With A Dragon And Number 21 Nearby As In The Valentines Tree Of 2019.

God's Warning To America Video

Two Minutes

My personal Dreams And Supernatural Experience 

Regarding A Coming Destruction And Great Crash Of Some Kind

May We Open Our Eyes And Minds And Repent And Prevent It!

      In one dream there was a LARGE BEAR out in a field which suddenly ascended upwards into the clouds and then disintegrated and became a cloud of smoke. Then the shocking words "there will be no gatherings till I burn their hives" was written in the smoky cloud deriving from the BEAR. This could well mean there will be no real gathering of God's people or a real revival till a destruction of some kind. God wants to instigate a revival, which is the good side of the issue, and may we repent and be revived without a destruction!

    In another dream Benjamin Franklin crawled into a coffin although he could hardly get into it. The lid was shut and the coffin then carried, but somehow they dropped the coffin. Benjamin Franklin then tried to get out of the coffin and tried to stand up again, but now could not because now he was too weak and could only drag himself across the floor.  After the dream I found out Benjamin Franklin had a vital part in writing the Declaration Of Independence and that Franklin also was sort of a prankster.  

    God also in various ways showed me a coming crash, and at one unique point in my life when I began to somewhat question if the crash would ever come, God confirmed it to me in a powerful way. I because of thinking a crash was coming never wanted to get very involved with any major business undertaking, but in 2006 my son needed a shop and I felt I needed to build a quite large shop. Thus I went to the lumber yard very much wondering about my expectations of a crash, and somewhat wondering if I was misled in expecting a great crash of some kind. With these thoughts closely by me, while at the counter making my material order suddenly a tremendous bolt of thunder struck, greatly startling all of us, and causing the lady behind the counter to jerk and spill her coffee over herself. Yes it was a tremendous bolt of thunder and further there was none other before or after. I did not tell the people in the office what I had been thinking about, but the next day or so when I returned a man at the desk asked me if I brought the thunder along again, and further said he would not forget it for a long time.  Yes the crash certainly will come unless an abundance of people repent, which means to admit their errors and change as God desires.  Yes God will watch over those that really seek Him regardless of what is ahead!

A Warning Video, Vital To Our Time And AMERICA

A Warning For 2020 and 2021 And Onward

An Amazing Dream Gives A Crucial Message For  September And November 2020

His Dream showing March And June Already Came to Pass

What Is God Saying By This Police Car Being Destroyed?

An Amazing Depiction Of Man's Safety Being Destroyed

Uniquely Published The Very Day Of The Year That Noah Went Into

God's Ark Of Real Safety, And The World As Then Known Was Destroyed.

   God certainly has warned America showing His great concern about it.  And therewith how does God deal with all the nations about the world, and yes fit into their wars, their security forces, and politics?  And therewith how should Christians in all nations about the world while seeking to be in the perfect will of God relate to their nation's wars, security forces, and politics?  Just how does God look at soldiers, police officers, and political leaders in the Christian era?  My website www.JesusAndWar.com exposes various issues that should cause soldiers among the nations to question in a new way whether their act of killing any of the enemies of whatever nation they happen to be a part of is actually pleasing to God.  The site also shares issues that likely will cause those who feel police officers, soldiers, and political leaders can never be fully within God's will in the Christian era to also see things a bit differently and a bit more leniently.   May God help us find His way in these issues!  



   When the CRASH COMES it will not only be because of non religious people refusing to admit their errors, but just as well because of conservative religious people refusing to admit theirs! Many are unaware of and cannot find God's good plan for humanity, because they unwilling to research and admit their errors.  Branches relating to the Doctrine of devils that forbade marriage have oppressed and had much more impact on our world than most realize.  



And Has Repeated Spoken On Such With Astonishing Miracles

For More See This Video And ChurchWakeUp.com!

Miracles With A Beautiful And Surprising Message!

BeautyFriendOrFoe.com  A Question That Needs A Genuine And Biblical Answer.

Although God withholds no good thing, and in the

paradise garden created woman and her best beauty to richly

bless (and still intends it to), that does not mean God approves of sexual

perversions. God has uniquely spoken on such in the amazing images below.

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" (Lev 18:22).

Note, if we have used any copyrighted material please contact and we will remove. 

Note the photos included on this website or any of my sites certainly do not mean those shown know of or are involved with what the author is promoting.

Contact address AmosBender@yahoo.com